The Maasai Special Projects Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)3 entity. Your gifts are tax deductible. Send checks to the MSPF, 505 Beachland Blvd., Ste 1, PMB 264, Vero Beach, FL 32963. Or just click the "Donate Now" button on the right. Ashe Oleng!
Our appeal for raising money is this: The Maasai Special Projects Fund belongs to and exists for Jesus Christ. It is a small organization with a big vision and a great God! Every penny received is stretched to the limit to serve those in need.
Since its inception in 1990, it has been our belief that the Lord has chosen the Maasai Special Projects Fund as one avenue to fulfill His command to go into all the world. An incredible need exists among the underserved Maasai in East Africa. The Maasai Special Projects Fund is addressing these needs in a holistic, contextually appropriate, and God honoring manner.
We need the financial support that God sends from His people. Will you partner with us?
Fred Foy Strang,MSPF Founder & President