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In my boyhood room, a wall-sized enlargement of an old mariner’s projection of the world sent me to sleep with my focus riveted on the enormous continent of Africa.

God’s call upon my life to missionary service

became apparent.

As a student of and personal participant in the wonderfully unique Maasai culture, I have been privileged to minister with and among them with my wife and children. Through advanced academic training in African Christianity, I have studied, refined, and taught effective methods of non-traditional theological education and development training.

Since 1982, we have been building relationships and equipping communities with the tools to thrive - providing access to education and health care resources, agricultural projects, spiritual formation, community building, and leadership training.  In 1990, I invited others to walk with us this journey through the Maasai Special Projects Fund.  There are amazing opportunities to serve through your prayers, your financial gifts, and your participation.  Join us !

- Rev. Dr. Fred Foy Strang, Founder of MSPF


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